Right now, everyone in our society needs to remember that they have a very important role to play in controlling this pandemic. And that is avoiding unnecessary contact with people.
This process is called social distancing and it’s been shown to be effective in large scale pandemics because it slows the rate that an infection spreads through a community and can protect people from getting sick in the first place. Slowing the rate helps preserve the capacity and capabilities of the healthcare system. If everyone gets sick at once, the healthcare system can get overrun and unable to take care of everyone who is sick.
So, if you don’t need to go out, stay home. If you need to go out make sure you’re washing your hands frequently, staying away from someone who is sick, and avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. If you do get sick, do not rush to your doctor or the emergency room. Most patients can be managed at home and going into the doctor’s office or emergency room might expose you to something else. Call your doctor before you go to see if they need to see you. And most importantly wash your hands frequently